Friday, February 27

"The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman."
- Elisabeth Elliot

I found that quote online today and it caused me to think. Do I really think like a believer ought... (as in) not to simply believe what it right and true, but to have that as my initial reaction when situations come up, or when I'm thinking about how something is (or needs to be) to be done? Dwight and I attended a memorial service recently held in honor of one of our friend's Dad who has passed away. His children and friends spoke of many of the things in his life that impacted them for Christ. Many spoke of his love for the Word and filling his heart and life with it. I want to have a life like that... one that automatically turns to Scripture when I have questions, or joys, or anything! Even though my memory is so fickle and short.... I want to have God's Word deeply rooted in my life. *God, help me in that! May I spend the time necessary and not be distracted by common things!*

Today is Chapel Friday. :-) I love those because I get to go be with Dwight from 10:00 - Lunch hour while Focus has their monthly chapel. Each month there is a different speaker/ musician/ theme. Last month they were focusing on Right to Life, and so Selah did the music and Todd Smith (from the group) and his wife told about their little's ones life. They spoke of the impact she had even in the few hours she was alive, and showed a picture slideshow. I cried... and cried. (Dwight had a white shirt on and I was so worried that I was going to see black streaks running down the front of it from my mascara! And he had meetings that afternoon, too!! Eeks. Thankfully, the mascara stayed put. Good stuff.) They were so sweet as they talked about her and their love for her and their other children! Today I think it is Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr. speaking and I have no idea what the message will be about. :-)

Off I go... !

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